FLEGT IMM Country Report Technical Notes
This document provides additional information on the definitions, data sources and platform used by the FLEGT Independent Market Monitoring (IMM) project to prepare the on-line About VPA Country Reports. FLEGT Status The VPAs are the supply-side measures introduced as part of the EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan. VPAs are legally …
VPA Country Reports
About VPA Country Reports In line with the FLEGT IMM mandate to monitor the market impact of the FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs), the Country Reports provide regular access to the latest data and commentary on timber production, imports, exports and consumption by VPA Partner Countries. By summarising the volume and value of trade in …
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Tackling FLEGT licensing teething troubles
A year on since Indonesia began FLEGT licensing timber exports to the EU, and one EU FLEGT national Competent Authority (CA) commented that introduction of the licensing system had been ‘remarkably smooth and uneventful’. This seems to be the consensus among most Indonesian exporters and EU importers and their respective authorities. At the same time, …
FLEGT VPA Partners in EU Timber Trade 2014 to 2016
IMM has released a major new report on “FLEGT VPA Partners in EU Timber Trade 2014 to 2016” which updates key forest resource and trade data contained in the 2015 IMM report on “Europe’s changing tropical timber trade”. The two reports together assess the baseline conditions for entry into the EU market of FLEGT licensed …
FLEGT VPA Partners in EU Timber Trade 2014 to 2016 Read More »
Europe’s changing tropical timber trade 2004 to 2014
“Europe’s changing tropical timber trade”, a report by IMM published as part of the ITTO Technical Series in 2015, establishes the baseline for long term monitoring of market impacts of FLEGT licensing, describing the evolution of the market for timber from VPA partner countries in the EU between 2004 and 2013. The report quantifies VPA countries’ …
Europe’s changing tropical timber trade 2004 to 2014 Read More »