Market News
EU-VPA partner country trade overview – first half of 2022
In the first half of 2022 EU imports of timber and wood products from VPA partner countries grew robustly. Trade was buoyed by healthy consumption levels in construction and continuing strong activity in the repair and home improvement markets. Growth was also helped...
EU-VPA partner country trade overview – first half of 2022
In the first half of 2022 EU imports of timber and wood products from VPA partner countries grew robustly. Trade was buoyed by healthy consumption levels in construction and continuing strong activity in the repair and home improvement markets. Growth was also helped...
MFP4 communications project to refresh and harmonise SVLK brand
A brand refresh is among the tasks of a new communications drive for Indonesia’s SVLK timber...
Pandemic highlights need for new supply chain technologies
The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the value of new supply chain sustainability auditing...
Data training aims to strengthen community voices on forest governance
Thai civil society groups have taken part in a data literacy training programme to strengthen...
Free trade deal set to boost Viet Nam’s EU exports
Vietnamese wood-based panel and joinery exporters are among the beneficiaries of the EU-Viet Nam...
PHPL scores on deforestation, but hampered by competing land use
Forests certified under Indonesia’s PHPL scheme are rated better on curbing deforestation than...
Major UK funding backs Colombian sustainable forest use
A £64 million support package from the UK for Colombia is aimed at improving forest governance and...
UK TTF gets creative in FLEGT communication
The UK Timber Trade Federation (TTF) has launched a competition for designers, architects and...
EU27+UK market update for May 2020
The IMM market update for May 2020 analyses the latest data on EU27+UK imports of tropical wood...
EU27+UK tropical wood imports from non-VPA countries: slowing from Brazil and China but India continues to make gains
EU27+UK imports of tropical timber products from countries not engaged in the VPA process were...
EU27+UK imports from VPA negotiating countries in Africa: flatlining from Gabon and declining from Cote d’Ivoire and DRC
Of the three VPA negotiating countries in Africa, Gabon is the largest supplier to the EU27+UK....
EU27+UK imports from VPA negotiating countries in Asia: sharp shift to wood furniture in EU import mix from Malaysia
Of VPA negotiating countries, Malaysia is by far the largest supplier of tropical timber products...
Contrasting trends in EU27+UK imports from VPA countries in LAC region
The two countries in Latin America that recently completed VPA negotiations, Guyana and Honduras,...
EU27+UK imports from Vietnam stable at a high level in the six months to March 2020
EU27+UK imports of wood products from Vietnam, the only VPA implementing country in Asia, which...
EU27+UK imports from African VPA implementing countries: Cameroon slides while RoC makes gains
EU27+UK wood imports from Cameroon have been very volatile in recent years (see Chart). 12-month...
EU27+UK imports from Indonesia: wood furniture makes gains while plywood, doors and decking lose ground
EU27+UK imports of wood furniture from Indonesia made large gains in the second and third quarter...
FLEGT licensed furniture biggest winner in EU tropical trade in year ending March 2020
Wood furniture from Indonesia maintained its position at the top of the league of the largest...
COVID signal missing in EU27+UK import data for Q1 2020
Having reached the highest level in more than a decade in October 2019, EU trade in tropical wood...
EU27+UK records strongest year for tropical timber since 2007
It is ironic that in 2019, just before the market chaos created by COVID-19, the EU27+UK recorded...
COVID-19 might delay start of FLEGT-licensing in Ghana
Ghana is currently still hoping to fully implement the last few milestones identified by the Final...
VPA helps free up Thai smallholders to sell timber
One outcome of Thailand’s EU Voluntary Partnership Agreement is a change in forestry regulation,...
COVID-19 causing tropical timber markets crisis
Tropical timber producers around the globe are facing a crisis due to measures taken to contain...